Acts 19:1-20 "Do You Know the Holy Spirit?"

Jul 14, 2024    Jared Clements

This week we'll see Paul arrive in the great city of Ephesus and we'll see right away that he finds some disciples and as he speaks with them Paul realized something was missing and as he spoke with them he discovered they were missing the empowering work of the Holy Spirit in their lives...and so we'll see Paul help them to come to a greater understanding. After this we'll see some extraordinary miracles that happened in Ephesus and we'll see that the result of the Word being taught and the work of the Spirit in their lives that all of Asia will hear the truth of Jesus Christ.

Cross References

Verses 1a-4

Acts 5:3-4

Ephesians 1:13-14

John 14:17

John 14:26

Luke 11:9-13

Verses 5-7

Acts 1:5-8

Verses 11-17

Mark 1:23-24